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tv   Headline News  RT  February 22, 2013 7:00am-7:28am EST

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diplomatic tension over the syrian conflict rises after a deadly bomb attack in the capital the country's rebel movements. the younger brother of a child who died in the u.s. to return home. worldwide media. david cameron is britain's most indecisive prime minister in recent time. worldwide news around the clock this is. with me. russia has
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accused the us of attempting to justify terrorism in syria moscow criticized washington for blocking a u.n. security council statement condemning a string of bomb attacks in the syrian capital. killed at least fifty three and wounded two hundred but also damaging the russian embassy. except of all to make excuses for terror especially after u.s. diplomatic missions have been targeted in other countries this as the conflict in syria could well spill into neighboring lebanon and the rebel free syrian army says it attacked bases in advance of an ultimatum for a cease fire expiring on thursday and the insurgents demanded that the lebanese group and the shelling of rebel held areas and syria it's a former deputy head of the israeli defense council he says that if there's further confrontation between the two sides it could end up affecting the entire region.
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the main question is. if there is a possibility that fighting between the syrian groups. within syria and now perhaps within lebanon. will bring others to be involved within lebanon all between lebannon along the borders really israel for example along the borders we do. or even along the borders between syria and other players jordan for example in this case. the whole region might be involved and of course the syrians have a very strong interest not to open fire by machine or even by rifle it's very easy you don't need much for it but again every so the really really main point is not operational point of opening fire the main point is the tricked that if you because below will be involved more and more in syria will
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cause you difficulties in lebanon once the syrian groups act against his will or within lebanon that we use the same tactics that we send people that we target as well off i told themselves that we target villages that hizbollah control there we try to hit vehicles that we try to make the people life in lebanon in general risky well here at r.t. we have spoken exclusively to the main mediator in the ongoing syrian conflict he had some rather barbed comments for the opposition but talking about the u.n. peace envoy lakhdar brahimi he said their reluctance to make any concessions to the assad government is one of the major roadblocks to peace. think the only problem is an aside not stepping down. a lot of people who are opposed to all who are involved in this conflict in syria think that the president is
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a serious important part of the problem this is a fact and very put you there for a day do you believe that's the problem doesn't matter what i believe doesn't matter what you believe either when you're saying maybe talking to the government but not the president directly. the problem is only in one man in the shuttle assad himself the problem is that the opposition is seeing every five minutes but they don't want to talk to russia. this is the problem is his future in his own hands at this point should it be in his own hands i'm talking about assad i don't want to talk about that. and you can watch the full exclusive interview with the u.n. and arab league envoy to syria lakhdar brahimi at fifteen hundred g.m.t. . for now the death of a three year old adopted russian child in the u.s.
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last month has become an emotionally charged international incident moscow is demanding the return of maxim's younger brother with the police investigation still ongoing artie's it appears going off reports. the death of three year old much mean has caused definitely an emotional reaction from russian authorities but first let's look at the facts the boy died over a month ago the exact cause of his death still haven't been established there are reports that american authorities have. received to the preliminary results of his autopsy but haven't disclosed them yet his adoptive mother as she described what happened said that she was in there all the while he was playing outside with his brother where she found him unresponsive immediately called for help but this brings us to the second sticking point yourself towards themselves mit that to be investigation into much seems that was not started immediately unfortunately we get
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these kind of this particular kind of calls for. every day. somebody has had a heart attack we don't put of pressure at all that we have a child that's been injured in an a.t.v. we don't put a press release at all that unless we start suspecting that something may be out of the ordinary. it was until a little bit later that we started getting some suspicions of what was going on and that all developed from talking to the parents the people that live there it just took a little more time for us to develop. adoption is a major stumbling block in the relations between moscow and washington due to the many cases of abuse and sometimes of even deaths of russian children after they were adopted and brought to the united states that's why shortly after the new stock market seems that came out several russian officials including russia children's alderman's men were quick to point the finger of blame at his american adoptive mother also because of reports from u.s.
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authorities that he found bruises on the kid's body we had information that. had been severely beaten. before birth. or. conclusion. possibly he had been killed now officials in moscow do acknowledge that the investigation is still ongoing and it hasn't established the exact person to blame for months seems that a nother issue fueling a nigger in russia is that mark seems there again less than a month after russia introduced their general ban for all americans to adopt russian children not only because of the many cases of abuse and sometimes of even deaths but because of a lack of a proper legal reaction from u.s. authorities including the lack of proper follow up which apparently we're seeing now again. because we're putting the david cameron may be the most indecisive
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prime minister in recent british history new figures calculated by the guardian newspaper show that he's made more the more u. turns since taking office in twenty ten than both of his two predecessors are trying to find out why they've been changing their mind so much at number ten. it can be hard to tell what goes on inside the mind of the prime minister say many decisions to be made on a daily basis is perhaps a little wonder that sometimes they change their minds and from buses to badges healthcare to housing case goes caravans charities and circus animals petrol and even pasties the list of this government's u. turns buried and long in fact there have been so many recently that some wonder if this is the most indecisive british government ever it's kind of difficult to get the data right and partly because people change what we call them so and you know
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after margaret how to talk about you turn alone you stop turning. everybody's where do you turn for up top are quine downs or part downs or whatever back then the word tank carrying a negative connotations you turn if you want to i thank the ladies not for turning my the warmest might not have been for turning this prime minister is certainly is his coalition's clocked up a good thirty five you tend to say far roughly for every twenty nine days the coalition's been in power there's been a change of direction a u. turn if you like and i can pass around fifty two days for gordon brown and tony blair was much more wrong i was less likely to change ration he was modeling self and margaret thatcher you know you turned i took around four hundred days to get a change direction out of tony blair's government going back to the coalition then
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when it comes to why do you think we have seen this government have so many so many more than previous governments i think a lot of it is down to the fact that it is a coalition. that this is a very new thing actually in british politics it's very common and embarrassing for them do you think are these been difficult from a leadership point of view but i think it's something that. has been accepted going in and during the coalition agreement there will have to be compromises when it comes to this government it's clear that what they say might not always be exactly as i think but is the fact that they clocked up so many you terms a sign that the government is listening or doesn't leave their pledges and promises sounding a little well false that's not good is not a good thing. if you vote for a government. to say it's going to be good for you actually going to.
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be well i don't know why i think if it's an issue that obviously people are worried about that it will interest them if it's something people don't care about and. bill with the quality you turn about turn climb down or back down when it comes to changing your mind in government many thera it's a case of you're damned if you day and. this government may well be recorded as being indecisive but he was being indecisive it would be attacked for the opposite for being. so ultimately and this is something we often used to say you take your money you pays your money and takes your choice. or you're not decisive enough as to what david cameron thinks about who the coalition u. turns well he hasn't given us an answer yet perhaps he hasn't made up his mind so of. london. still to come here on the program. the french president receives a u.n. prize for military intervention leading rights groups labeled
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a campaign humanitarian. details but opinion on the program. also ahead. reports from. protesters to the tactics of the mubarak dictatorship. stories offer a very great. new year's celebrations on the move the traditional t.v. food surprising new adventure stories of love and. foreigners to celebrate the biggest holiday of the year for. training over. the miracles. speak your language.
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live. live. live. live. live. news live from moscow this is see with me role research a thank you for joining us today. the french president will receive a peace prize from the united nations for his military intervention in mali the unesco cultural organization says francois hollande a should be rewarded for his quote valuable contribution to peace and stability in africa and this is violence in the war torn nation shines up slowly no signs of slowing down leading rights groups have condemned the french led operation saying the conflict has seen serious
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human rights violations including the killing of children french and malian troops and meanwhile struggling to keep islamist militants out of where there's been yet another wave of fighting and the latest on rest comes as france plans to start withdrawing some of its four thousand troops next month editor at the pan-african newswire bio me as a kiwi says of the french leader doesn't deserve such no water given what's currently happening in the west african nation he has not been in office that long his political career since being in office as president of france has been marked by this intervention in mali something that was done you know latterly it was totally unjustified there's been reports of gross human rights violations that have taken place since the french intervention in mali they've admitted the defense ministry in paris that they killed hundreds of people and the operation overall is
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not turning out the way in which france had initially planned these developments in mali do not bode well for someone who is being offered such a prestigious award for peace of course this is being fueled by the overall economic crisis that exists in france they have the highest unemployment rate that they've had in many many years that's almost eleven percent they have a huge deficit which they're trying to deal with this intervention is not a humanitarian one. it's based upon the economic and political interests of france as well as the other countries in nato is also including the united states as well because the united states is actually transporting troops into mali. from the prizes for peace to awards for movies and oscar nominated film director has been stopped at the los angeles international airport and threatened with deportation he says it's because he's palestinian and authorities just couldn't believe he was in
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the running for a top movie accolade we caught up with him to find out exactly what happened. the. questions me is. they want me to give them moral bruv and invitations and why why i came to united states i thought of them that i am on all scott nominees so for them to understand that the palestinian and also have no money is a very was very difficult i give them their i had their visa and i had the vision the fly i was trying to show them the e-mails from. the invitation. of their office she she didn't. tell me what was i saying to her and she told me if you don't come up with. more documents we would send you back the sap and soft into palestinian and still be able to. support and i
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had this problem this baby and it's in different countries also and we have all those at this problem and we cannot just live like this we are a humanoid so we are the only. one all the world that we live on the local beach and that is what i do. of course we always keep you updated online as well with more stories and videos that are to be dot com let's see what's waiting for you there right now on our new revamped web site for example israel is a drilling for oil in the golan heights land it seized from syria over forty years ago and his status remains hotly disputed find out their reactions online for. drug deadline sentencing for georgia state prison inmates now depends on the expiration date of a new medicine used. that false story as well on the web site. he
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. just off the full twenty pm here this is on c of course egypt's president mohamed morsi is called the parliamentary elections for april struggling to calm the ongoing protests and street violence and golf in the country and the opposition's accusing morsi of backtracking on reform promises and of alternately hijacking the revolution rights groups are reporting widespread police abuse and torture a result in the death and attention of mine correspondent belcher has been investigating for say. in his home town of town into the bill i'll get to the point south where local youth have renamed a street after his son mohammed a twenty eight year old activist allegedly tortured to death by security forces two weeks ago after protesting on a hurry square along with
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a hold on the first time i went to see mohammed in the hospital i didn't recognize him seriously his face was covered with wounds his skull fractured when i asked the doctors they told me this is mohammed going to be limited to declaw i know that one will be although mohammed's injuries points to torture his mother sammy says the official forensic report maintains he died after a car crash yet to be about the steps in what vehicle brakes teeth is there a car that stamps on a person with a shoe shattering the glasses and pushing them into his eyes what car only injures a person's head but not their legacy. right now egypt is witnessing unprecedented levels of police violence against protesters rights groups reporting with at least ten x. a judicial killings by security forces since president mohamed morsi to power the west divide it's often a cause in places like this infamous security directorate behind me which can be viewed from mohammed's own balcony however the most worrying trend activists say is
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the targeting of children in an impoverished district of alexandria on up to explains how her thirteen year old son abdullah rahman was detained for over two weeks for being a bystander i thought demonstration the police use violence against children my son has cuts and bruises all over his body they hante young children because he keeps contre away from them. and is always told us if anyone cries to contact their family or friends they would beat us despite the scenes like these the interior minister denies security forces use violence against protesters and refer. it's the torture is systemic in the police force instead the government says it will arm low ranking police officers sparking fears of other abuses human rights organizations and look it's are extremely concerned by the increase in one violence between the
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supporters and the opposition to president morsi to the political cover that president morsi the administration and the legislators are giving to the. violence exercised by the police force and the increased level of brutality. being exercised by the police force three were they concerned by the increase of weapons back during egypt's revolution a key demand was police reform but people here say there is no evidence of that until there is crowds of thousands continue to push for change so many fear the worst is yet to come true for r t cairo. we are not far off from cross-talk you're an r.t. for now though in the world up there we go starting with the united nations which has refused to pay haiti any compensation for the cholera epidemic that killed about a thousand people now three years ago a u.n.
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sewage pipes and poor sanitation were blamed for spreading the virus in the world bodies secretary-general ban ki moon denied responsibility saying the source of the epidemic cannot be known for sure. indian police have revealed they were warned in advance about two blasts that ripped through the city of hyderabad on thursday to some of chinese explosions killed at least fifteen and wounded well over one hundred at this point no militant group has claimed responsibility for the attack. or as mentioned in just a second here it's a people of elena's guests are debating the role of western powers in the ongoing syrian government crossed. just around more.
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if you have a business than you need customers right this is perhaps the simplest law of capitalism but if your business is making juvenile prisons how are you going to attract more customers by bribing judges into condemning innocent children so you'll have all of the captives i mean customers that you need to charge mark c. of a religion you're from pennsylvania has been sentenced to twenty years in prison for illegally accepting money from a juvenile prison developer the pennsylvania supreme court determined that he may have unlawfully convicted up to five thousand youths some of whom were just ten years old for crimes they didn't commit this is obviously sickening a total exploitation of power but the thing we need to think about is the fact that the us has by far the world's largest prison population and a booming prison industry it leads me to believe that may be this one scumbag judge from pennsylvania isn't the only one out there abusing his power if you see
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a prison full of kids near you you better make sure that they're actually baby guilty of something but that's just my opinion.


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